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Title I

Welcome to Title I at Madison School District

Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) is a federal program that provides school-wide support to Madison Elementary School. This federally funded program provides resources to further the achievement of all students by providing support for their unique educational needs.  The goal of Title I, Part A is to ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments. To this end, Title I provides a network of supplemental services for students, and serves as a vital link in the challenging educational opportunities for our students.

Select information placed within this website provides a reference guide and essential information about Title I.

Title 1, Response to Intervention (RtI) Multi-Tiered Support System

Our mission at Madison School District is to provide an effective education for all children. We understand that students do not come to us as ‘one size fits all’ learners, and have different learning styles and rates. In order to support all students in a given school we will be using Team Time groups in addition to the regular literacy instruction happening in the classroom. All students will be divided into groups based on skill level in order to meet their academic needs. Our Team Time groups will meet two to four times per week for 30 minutes per day. These groups will be closely monitored and regrouped if necessary every 6-8 weeks based on students’ changing needs.

What is Team Time?

Team Time is Madison Elementary School’s structured mentoring tutorial program (for enrichment and reinforcement) which provides students in Kindergarten through fifth grade with additional strategy instruction and practice. All Madison students will be included in Team Time in 1st – 5th grades. Students will meet in small groups two to four times a week for thirty minutes with classroom teachers and Team Time Interventionists.  Children in Kindergarten are selected by their classrooms teachers using data and recommended to STARS where they will receive additional academic support.

How are students chosen for Team Time Groups and STARS?

Students are grouped by teachers and a team analyzing the results of our universal screening data which is collected three times throughout the school year. When a child is placed in their groups, more diagnostic data may be collected to see if the child would benefit from a specific group.

Who will be teaching my child?

In addition to your child’s classroom teacher, a member of our intervention team that are highly qualified with each academic activity. We also have mentors that assist with our Kindergarten Team Time, STARS. Students work one on one with a trained mentor from our community.

How do I select a book for my child?

First, help your young reader select a book that is of interest to them.

Second, select a book that is at the reader’s independent reading level. Books that children can read independently are often referred to as “Just Right” books.  A “Just Right” book is a book where the content is understood and there are few unknown words or errors while reading the text.  The reader is reading effortlessly.

The Five-Finger Technique is a simple method to help select a “Just Right” book. Choose a page and have the reader read it to you. Count the number of errors made in a minute of reading. If there are more than five errors while reading, the book is too difficult for independent reading.

If your reader has selected the wrong level with it being either too simple or too difficult the selection may still be enjoyed. For an easy selection, have your reader choose a passage from the book and record them as they read. This will help to build fluency, automaticity and confidence. If the book is too difficult it may be read aloud. Talking about the pictures, retelling of the events and relating the story to the reader are great ways to comprehend what was read.

If you have a reluctant reader, try alternating sentences, paragraphs, or pages as you read together. When they are spending more time decoding the words and stumbling through the text, comprehension is lost. Remember to encourage and model reading for your aspiring reader!

Tips For Reading At Home



Abby Miller, Early Elementary Principal & Title I Director

517-263-0744 ext. 145 

Heidi Miller, Elementary Literacy Coach

517-263-0744 ext. 527

Brenda Betz, STARS Director

517-263-0744 ext. 328

Title I Parent Information

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
Collaborating for Success
Parent and Family Engagement Plan
Every Student Succeeds Act: Parent and Family Engagement
2018-19 Title I Parent Handbook
2018-19 Parent Right to Know Letter
Parent and Family Engagement School Board Policies
2018-19 School-Parent Compact
2018-19 Title I Brochure

Parent Resources

Everyday Math
Madison Elementary uses Everyday Mathematics as the core mathematics’ curriculum for our school. A website accompanies this curriculum to assist your child. This program can be utilized on any computer with Internet access. Please contact your child’s teacher for log-in information.

Virtual Manipulatives
The National Library of Virtual Manipulatives (NLVM) is a library of uniquely interactive, web-based virtual manipulatives, or concept tutorials, for mathematics instruction (K-12 emphasis).  This website is a resource that provides manipulatives leveled by student grade to enrich mathematics learning.

Moby Max
This site helps students from K – 8 practice mathematics and reading skills. Please contact your child’s classroom teacher for log-in information.


Parents’ Guides to Student Success

The  Parents’ Guide to Student Success (listed below in English and Spanish) was developed in response to the Common Core State Standards in English language arts and mathematics. Created by teachers, parents, education experts, and others from across the country, the standards provide clear, consistent expectations for what students should be learning at each grade in order to be prepared for college and career.

National PTA® created the guides for grades K-8 and two for grades 9-12 (one for English language arts/literacy and one for mathematics).

The Guide includes:

  • Key items that children should be learning in English language arts and mathematics in each grade, once the standards are fully implemented
  • Activities that parents can do at home to support their child’s learning
  • Methods for helping parents build stronger relationships with their child’s teacher
Kindergarten Kindergarten – Spanish 
First Grade First Grade – Spanish
Second Grade Second Grade – Spanish 
Third Grade Third Grade – Spanish
Fourth Grade Fourth Grade – Spanish
Fifth Grade Fifth Grade – Spanish